Orders made from the site ship 3 day priority mail via USPS.
orders are shipped via USPS or Fed Ex, whichever is less expensive. For rush delivery information, please call us at 773-329-5149.
Orders can be placed via online shopping cart, phone
or mail.
Orders will be shipped within 24-48 hours - F.O.B.
Staunton, VA. Payment can be made either by credit card,
Paypal or prepay with a check or money order
via mail.
Orders can be placed via phone, email or mail. Orders
will be shipped within 48 hours - F.O.B. Staunton, VA.
Wholesale accounts have a 2 case minimum order. You will need to call to establish an account. Payment
are made by credit card. Credit card information is kept on file and future. Orders can be made by phone or e mail.
If you have any shipping/ordering/pricing
questions please contact us.